We provide solutions with value in different industries and markets.
We have taken on the global challenges of the industries in which we work, where the combination of sustainable growth, economic performance and quality of life has become the main axis of development for modern societies.
Anasac Chile
Produces and sells technical solutions for the agricultural, livestock and forestry sectors for the Chilean and international markets. Located in Santiago, Chile.
Produces and markets solutions for agriculture, garden & home, and environmental health. It is located in La Plata, Argentina.
Sells solutions for agriculture, garden & home, and environmental health sectors. Located in Lima, Peru.
Anasac Colombia
Markets solutions for agriculture, garden & home, pets and environmental health. Located in Bogota, Colombia.
Anasac Mexico
Sells solutions for agriculture, garden & home, and environmental health. Located in Mexico City, Mexico.
Anasac international
Produces and offers agriculture solutions in more than 12 countries. Its operations center is located in Panama City, Panama.
Longyou East Anasac
Supplies crop protection products to different markets. Located in Longyou, China
Anasac Ambiental
Produces and markets solutions for pets, gardens & green areas, as well as urban and agro-industrial pest control. Located in Santiago, Chile.
Dedicated to the production and sale of biological pest control. Located in Quillota, Chile.
Develops and manufactures hygiene, disinfection and medicine products for medical, industrial and retail areas. Located in Santiago, Chile.