Innovation & New Business

Research & Development & Innovation

We are driven by knowledge and the constant search for innovative solutions. We are motivated to foster regional development, focusing our efforts on generating sustainable solutions and strategic alliances and so staying at the forefront of technology. We link up with those who are developing innovative solutions to specific problems, generating domestic and international cooperation networks. We have a consolidated team of professionals in research, development, and innovation because we want to make a real contribution to the industries we are part of.


ANASAC’s research, development and innovation (R&D&I) policy is a fundamental part of the company’s work, since it allows the delivery of valuable solutions adapted to the reality of local markets. In this way, it promotes sustainability, quality and competitiveness, seeking to respond to increasingly informed and demanding consumers, while reducing the economic risk involved in the introduction and/or adaptation of products. Within these policies, it is considered as a regular activity, the use of public instruments to finance, enhance and strengthen its research, development and innovation activities, which has materialized in recent years in both Chile and Peru given their volumes of R&D&I activities. Research, development and innovation activities are subject to quality control and/or management processes, in a way to ensure its value proposition in the market. The company has ventured also into innovating Anasac’s business model, as well as in its promotional and marketing activities.


We invest 3,0% of our annual sales in research, development and innovation activities for the development of better solutions for the future


Some of our most relevant innovation and new business projects are present in a wide range of agricultural fields, which have generated new offerings for the Chilean market, contributing to the advancement of the agricultural sector.

Unique and Innovative Formulation

We develop innovative formulations with a regional vision that brings unique value. We create unprecedented projects worldwide to address unique local needs, formulating solutions that are born directly from those needs.

A blow to the rots

Its unique and highly effective blend, with preventive and curative effect, allows excellent control of Botrytis and Acid Rot.

Face the storm with the power of Monzon.

Excellent preventive tool for botrytis and powdery mildew in the early stages of the disease, thanks to its outstanding control of the primary inoculum (conidia) of its two active ingredients.

World Class Traveling Fruit

Contact fungicide. Preventive and translaminar action, for Botrytis control


Anasac’s Biorationals line is an innovative solution for modern agriculture, designed to facilitate the production of high quality food, safer and in compliance with both market and consumer demands.

These phytosanitary products, intended for pest, disease and weed control, are derived from natural sources, such as plant extracts, microorganisms and minerals, are compatible with biological control, do not generate resistance, do not leave residues and are friendly to beneficial insects, pollinators, natural enemies, the environment and human beings. They are compatible with biological control, do not generate resistance, do not leave residues and are friendly to beneficial insects, pollinators, natural enemies, the environment and human beings.

Algae-Based Biostimulants

Anasac has advanced the implementation of the use of algae in its quest for sustainable agriculture. KELPURA, a liquid extract of Ecklonia maxima, retains the natural compounds of algae and improves plant development, while MARTELLO, an extract of Ascophyllum nodosum, maintains crop yields under stress conditions. Thus, Anasac offers innovative and effective algae-based solutions for modern agriculture.

Copper In Agriculture

Strategic alliance for all of Latin America

ANASAC markets AGROCOPPER® SP, a cupric fungicide-bactericide developed in collaboration with Compañía Minera San Gerónimo. AGROCOPPER® SP, launched in 2015, offers a copper-based phytosanitary solution which stands out for its innovation and relevance in the agricultural market.

Digitalization Of Agriculture

Since 2019, ANASAC has been developing innovative projects that address the challenges of agriculture through the implementation of advanced digital technologies. A prominent example is Big Farm, which refines the concept of Digital Farming. This project solves the challenges of the agricultural sector through disruptive and innovative technological solutions, promoting a change of perspective in agriculture.

At ANASAC, we believe that the future of agriculture is based on the adoption of novel and disruptive technologies and concepts.

We proactively support high-impact decision making in farms, through the digital capture of reality and Big Data processing.

An expert system that stores, integrates and manages different sources of information about the orchard and technological inputs for timely and accurate decision making.

With the simplicity of Digital Agriculture within the reach of agribusiness, you can categorize all your crops with artificial intelligence for continuous monitoring to make timely decisions.

The best dairy herd management software worldwide that allows you to control your stables from anywhere, anytime, to make decisions based on secure, real-time data.

Minimal Waste Sustainable Management

Anasac’s Minimal Residue Sustainable Management focuses on the production of healthy, residue-free food with a low environmental impact approach to meet the growing demands of target markets. The list of pesticides losing their authorization for use, is forcing the search for sustainable alternatives world wide. Many more pesticides are in the process of evaluation, and laboratory certainty and new criteria are influencing these decisions. The exit of relevant phytosanitary tools requires rapid adaptation in current programs.


The objective is to generate pest and disease management strategies that meet the quarantine and residue requirements of destination markets. A new production concept integrating conventional, organic and biological tools is proposed. Sustainable management and zero-residue fruit production seeks to obtain disease- and pest-free foodstuffs with low environmental impact and of course free of residue at harvest time.

  • Use of chemical synthesis phytosanitary products of known or rapid dissipation,
  • Zero residue phytosanitary products such as biorationals and biopesticides.
  • Monitoring and release of biological control agents,
  • Cultural management such as biological corridors and flower bands,
  • Nutrition and biostimulation to manage stress and maintain balanced nutrition.

Minimal Residues

New production concept that integrates conventional, organic and biological tools for sustainable food production.


We promote a culture of innovation by analyzing and evaluating disruptive projects for the development of new solutions.  Our model seeks both the early linkage from the genesis of the projects and the progressive achievement of results applicable to the industries in which we participate.

Alliances from the beginning

We establish cooperative alliances with companies boasting extensive experience, R&D centers, universities, and high-tech startups. Our aim is to develop new, sustainable, and innovative solutions rooted in robust scientific projects.


We have a team of professionals dedicated to R&D activities. In addition, each business unit has personnel assigned to the search for new knowledge and technologies through participation in features fairs, congresses and seminars. This knowledge is then incorporated into ANASAC’s offerings through applied research and development. In all its businesses, ANASAC is distinguished by its model of strategic alliances with world’s leading suppliers.

Innovation as a Value

Innovation is one of the company’s values, so the building of an innovative culture in all areas of work is necessary. In this line, the structure of the R&D&I and New Businesses area was consolidated and increased, which has achieved greater links with the scientific world, mainly universities and research centers, as well as different national and foreign start-ups. In this way, we seek to obtain new technologies, in addition to supporting their subsequent implementation in the agricultural world, in an efficient way to respond to the demands of the industry.

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